Can I migrate emails with MigrateMyCRM?

Last Updated: 10/04/23

Applies to: 

Migration Wizard users.

Solutions Overview:

Explanation of the possibilities for Emails migration within different CRMs. 

Tactical Rundown:  

You can migrate emails from your current CRM to your new CRM easily via MigrateMyCRM.

Note! In some cases, emails cannot be migrated in an automated way, due to the specifics of particular CRM platforms.

We can migrate emails for all CRMs except:

  • Copper CRM

For this CRM - emails are not hosted in the system, as there are no API keys. Emails are only shown through integration but they aren't stored. If you would like emails from Gmail/Outlook to sync up with the HubSpot contacts, you will need to do this after the full migration with us. can import your historical email correspondence and sync up with HubSpot contacts already imported.

If you are looking for the email migration from Zoho CRM - you can check more details here.

For the email migration from Pipedrive CRM - you need to provide the API tokens of all the users, as described here


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