What services does SyncMatters provide?

Last updated: 08/02/2023

Applies to:

  • All users

Common Causes / Issues:

  • Familiarizing yourself with the variety of tasks that can be done by SyncMatters

Tactical Rundown:



MigrateMyCRM: Customers use our online tools to migrate data from their source system to their target system. The process involves unlimited free sample migrations, object and field mappings, data filtering, custom fields, etc.

Guided migration: As an add-on to any MigrateMyCRM migration, our Migration Specialists will provide five hours of support ($750) for any migration project for those customers who want a helping hand. Additional hours can be purchased as needed.

Custom migration: Trujay will do a full-service migration project for you. These projects are typically customized due to a company’s unique processes and strategies. We will go through mapping guidance, sample testing data (custom sample testing), QA, and a delta migration for a smooth transition. 


De-duplication:  After completing your migration, we can de-dupe your Contacts and Companies based on custom field matches and merge data in bulk.

Email Contact Cleansing: We can mark any emails that are not verified or invalid and wipe them from your database.


Onboarding/Consultation: With HubSpot Sales, Marketing, and Service Hub customers, we can offer full training and onboarding to work in lockstep with the data migration. 

Workflows Re-Building or Creating: If you have many workflows for your sales or marketing processes and need to have them up and running live in HubSpot, we can build them for you. Or, if you have several workflows you would like us to create once the data has been added, we can build quite quickly with our experts.

Custom Reporting and Dashboards Re-Building or Creating: If you have many custom reports/dashboards built and need to have them up and running live in HubSpot, we can build them for you. Or, if you have several custom reports that need to be created from scratch or if you need cross-object reporting, we can help here.

Marketing Assets Transfer and Reconstruction: Forms, Landing Pages, CTAs, Templates, Campaigns, and Emails are all marketing assets and have some form of design that automation can’t handle, so we have a team who specializes in bringing these assets over quite quickly, even though it is more of a manual effort.

Custom Integration: We can deliver an ongoing sync of data from other solutions with HubSpot using a custom integration. These integrations can be one-direction file-based integrations with HubSpot or can be complex bi-directional syncs between different SaaS applications. We have a platform (iPaaS) called IntegrateHQ that can handle the work without any coding.

HubSpot/Salesforce Native Integration Optimization: If you’re trying to utilize the native sync between HubSpot and Salesforce and it’s not working or mapping correctly, we can help here. There are many limitations with the native sync and we can optimize the integration and clean up any mess it’s causing.

Still need help?

Please submit an inquiry on the contact page, email support@syncmatters.com, or simply reach out to us via chat.